Ramps are the most common way to access a WAV. Normally a ramp is manually operated with someone physically unfolding the ramp from the back of the vehicle. Alternatively you can opt for an automatic ramp which will fold and unfold at the touch of a button but these are more expensive.
You should think about and test the angle and length of the ramp as not all WAVs will be the same and some options might make it more difficult to push a wheelchair. Some manual ramps can be spring-loaded to make raising and lowering easier. And some WAV suppliers will offer a powered winch at no extra cost so ask them what’s available.
A larger WAV may be able to have a lift fitted; this can be a help if your carer has trouble pushing you up a ramp. A WAV fitted with a lift will cost more than one fitted with a ramp so your Advance Payment could be higher. Lifts also require an annual service but this is covered by your lease.
Things to think about
Consider whether your carer will physically be able to operate a ramp and then push you up it. Will they be able to do it now and for the duration of your lease?
If your carer does find it hard to push you up a ramp then an electric winch could help. This is a motorised cable that attaches to a wheelchair and pulls the wheelchair into the WAV.
If your carer struggles to bend and lift and you use a medium or large WAV then consider whether a lift would be the best option. They are button automated and require the least amount of effort.
Most ramps and lifts will be fitted at the back of the WAV. But some WAVs can be accessed from the side so think about what would work best for you.